專題文章:TRIOPTICS 30週年快樂!



WEDEL. On December 1st, 2021, the optical metrology specialist TRIOPTICS celebrates its 30th anniversary in business. 


TRIOPTICS 總部位於德國漢堡附近的威德爾鎮,是世界領先的光學測量和製造技術公司之一,在世界各地都有子公司和銷售夥伴。 TRIOPTICS的產品和系統改善了全球光學元件、鏡頭、相機模組和傳感器系統的開發、生產與品管。

The company, headquartered in Wedel near Hamburg, is one of the world's leading companies in the field of optical measurement and manufacturing technology with subsidiaries and sales partners around the world. TRIOPTICS’ products and systems accompany and improve the development, production, and quality control of optical components, lenses, camera modules, and sensor systems worldwide. 

在引領光學量測領域快速發展的想法驅使下, Eugen Dumitrescu於1991年12月1日在威德爾與兩位合夥人成立了TRIOPTICS。TRIOPTICS從協助客戶開發光學量測系統,擴展到儀器的製造。

Driven by the idea to significantly develop and lead the field of computer controlled optical metrology, Eugen Dumitrescu founded TRIOPTICS on December 1st, 1991, in Wedel with two partners. The primary focus of TRIOPTICS has always been the customer-oriented development of optical measurement systems, later expanding to include manufacturing instruments.

TRIOPTICS 製造的第一批產品是用於量測透鏡半徑的自動球俓儀 SuperSpherotronic、OptiTest® 系列自動准直儀、望遠鏡以及准直儀,等一系列用於測試透鏡光學機械參數的儀器。 1990 年代中期開始,隨著電腦控制量測系統地的發展,一系列產品如電子自准儀、測角儀與偏心量測系統"OptiCentric®"陸續研發出現。

The first products created by TRIOPTICS were the automatic spherometers SuperSpherotronic for measuring the radius of lenses, the OptiTest® series of autocollimators, telescopes, and collimators and Optomatic, an instrument for testing the optomechanical parameters of lenses. From the mid-1990s, the systems were followed by the first PC-controlled test instruments such as electronic autocollimators, goniometers, and centration test devices, the so-called OptiCentric® series.

2000 年代初公司迎來了一個重要的里程碑,即自行開發了用於量測光學調製函數 (MTF) 的檢測系統" ImageMaster® "系列。 隨著第一台手機攝像頭的問世,MTF量測成為了一個快速發展的新市場,這使得 TRIOPTICS 的業務有了顯著增長。 ImageMaster® PRO 系列成為了全球手機鏡頭的最終檢驗標準。

A milestone in the company’s history was the development of its own inspection systems for measuring the modulation transfer function (MTF), the ImageMaster® series, at the beginning of the 2000s. With the invention of the first cell phone cameras, a new, rapidly developing market emerged for MTF inspection. This enabled TRIOPTICS to achieve significant growth. The ImageMaster® PRO series became the worldwide standard for the final inspection of smartphone camera lenses.

後來,在 2010 年代,相機組AA機與新產品 ProCam® 和 CamTest 產品線共同開發。 TRIOPTICS 日益成為自動駕駛領域的攝像頭及傳感器系統製造與量測儀器的可靠供應商,同時還為AR、VR應用市場提供客製化的方案。

Later, in the 2010s, active alignment of camera modules was developed with the emerging ProCam® and CamTest product lines. TRIOPTICS increasingly established itself as a reliable supplier of optical measurement and manufacturing instruments for camera and sensor systems in the field of autonomous driving, while also offering tailored customer solutions for the market of augmented and virtual reality applications.

多年來,TRIOPTICS 不斷擴展其產品的項目、不斷改進已建立的測量方法,並注重系統的自動化。 除了各產品的持續開發,國際化和跨學界的客戶專案對TRIOPTICS同等重要。 作為光學測量和製造系統的應商之一,TRIOPTICS 為整個光學產業鏈提供領先業界的服務。

Over the years, TRIOPTICS has consistently expanded its product portfolio, continuously improved established measurement methods, and placed a significant focus on the automation of its systems. Large international and interdisciplinary customer projects are just as important as the continuous development of the standard TRIOPTICS portfolio of products. TRIOPTICS serves the entire optical production value chain as one of the leading suppliers of optical measurement and manufacturing systems.

2018 年,公司遷至位於韋德爾的新總部,距離原創始地僅數百米。 與此同時,全球約有 500 名員工正為了 TRIOPTICS 的成功而努力。 2020 年通過與業納光學集團的整並,TRIOPTICS 持續壯大,時至今日仍舊致力於應對未來光學的挑戰。

In 2018, the company moved to its new headquarters in Wedel, just a few hundred meters from its founding address. In the meantime, roughly 500 employees worldwide work towards the success of TRIOPTICS. Strengthened by the 2020 integration into the Jenoptik photonics group, TRIOPTICS continues to grow and continues to work today on the optical challenges of tomorrow.